Faites en sorte que chaque pièce en vaille la peine
Toupees modernes

Votre voyage vers des cheveux d'apparence naturelle commence ici !

Toupees modernes

Votre voyage vers des cheveux d'apparence naturelle commence ici !

Toupee pour hommes

Vous souhaitez donner un coup de jeune à votre salon ? Vous souhaitez vous adresser à une clientèle plus large et accroître la notoriété de votre salon de coiffure ? Saisissez l’avenir des solutions capillaires avec nos toupets modernes pour hommes ! L’époque où les perruques étaient associées à des apparences peu naturelles et gênantes est révolue. Aujourd’hui, le postiche pour homme a remarquablement évolué, offrant un aspect étonnamment réaliste et une sensation de tendresse, tout en se fondant harmonieusement dans les cheveux naturels.

Voici notre meilleur postiche ! Conçue et fabriquée à l’aide d’une technologie de pointe, elle s’adresse aux personnes dont le crâne est clairsemé. Plus qu’une simple réparation, nos toupets pour hommes sont un stimulant de la confiance et de l’estime de soi. En intégrant ces systèmes modernes de coiffure postiche à votre offre de services et à votre gamme de produits, votre entreprise atteindra de nouveaux sommets. Vous vous démarquerez de vos concurrents et attirerez un large éventail de clients.

Redéfinissons l’industrie capillaire côte à côte, en réinventant un toupet d’apparence naturelle à la fois. Contactez-nous dès aujourd’hui pour découvrir comment nous pouvons faire équipe et donner à votre entreprise une tournure révolutionnaire !


Obtenez-le dans les 7 jours !
Ajustement précis. Répondre exactement à vos besoins.



Clear poly comme votre peau bio.


Doux, respirant et léger.


Durée de vie prolongée pour une utilisation de plus d'un an !

Toupee en peau de poly pour hommes

Toupee en dentelle pour hommes

Toupee monofilament pour hommes

Toupee pour la ligne frontale des cheveux

Toupee pour la perte de cheveux de la couronne

Toupee en cas de chute complète des cheveux

Avantages de la toupie moderne pour hommes


Se fond parfaitement dans les cheveux existants

Semblent aussi vrais que des cheveux naturels

Sans danger pour le cuir chevelu

Comment fonctionnent les toupies modernes pour hommes ?

What You Can Do With a Toupee on?1

1. Consaltation des cheveux

Commencez par évaluer les zones clairsemées ou dégarnies du client et renseignez-vous sur son mode de vie, le climat local, ses préférences personnelles, son budget, etc.

What You Can Do With a Toupee on?2

2. Choisissez un postiche parfait

Déterminer le toupet idéal pour le client, en tenant compte de facteurs tels que la taille de la base, le(s) matériau(x) de base, la couleur des cheveux, la densité, la texture, etc. Choisissez parmi notre large gamme d’articles en stock ou personnalisez-les en fonction des besoins spécifiques du client.

What You Can Do With a Toupee on?3

3. Application Toupee

Faites installer le postiche par un coiffeur professionnel à l’aide d’un adhésif ou d’un ruban de qualité médicale, puis faites-le couper et coiffer selon l’apparence souhaitée par le client.

What You Can Do With a Toupee on?4

4. Fixation et maintien du toupet

Faites enlever, nettoyer et remettre le postiche toutes les 3 à 5 semaines chez le coiffeur.

Que pouvez-vous faire avec un toupet ?

L’intégration de toupets pour hommes attirera davantage de clients à la recherche de solutions capillaires et contribuera à élargir votre clientèle, ce qui augmentera votre chiffre d’affaires.

take a bath


Transformez le look de vos clients avec nos systèmes capillaires haut de gamme.

Système de cheveux en dentelle

Coiffure partielle

Système pour peau fine et cheveux

Pourquoi devriez-vous ajouter le Toupee pour hommes à votre liste de services et à votre gamme de produits ?

Atteindre de nouveaux clients

L’incorporation de toupets pour hommes attire les clients à la recherche de solutions capillaires, ce qui vous permet d’élargir votre clientèle et d’augmenter votre chiffre d’affaires.

Améliorez la satisfaction de vos clients

La fourniture de toupets réalistes renforce la confiance en soi et favorise la fidélité des clients et les recommandations positives.

Gardez une longueur d'avance sur vos concurrents

L’adoption d’une technologie innovante en matière de postiche permettra à votre entreprise de se démarquer et de conserver un avantage concurrentiel dans le secteur.

Plus de 5 000 entreprises de coiffure font confiance à New Times Hair en tant que fournisseur à long terme.

Prêt à faire évoluer votre entreprise ?



Remise en gros


Toupee FAQs for Beginners

What is a toupee?

Toupees for men have been used for centuries to cover hair loss. A toupee, today commonly known as a hair replacement system, is a kind of hairpiece (also called a partial wig by some) specifically designed to cover a bald spot or thinning area of the scalp. Today’s toupees for men come in various shapes, sizes, hair colors, and textures to match the individual’s natural hair, and can also be customized to ensure the perfect fit.

Toupees are typically made from natural or synthetic hair. Modern toupees for men are attached in a semi-permanent way to the wearer’s head using medical-grade tape or adhesive. On rare occasions, they are attached using the pre-attached clip to the wearer’s remaining natural hair around the crown.

How much does a toupee cost?

The cost of men’s hair toupee varies from a few hundred to thousand USD, depending mainly on the hair type, base material, design, and the supplier you order from.

Apart from the hair toupee cost, getting the toupee hairpiece installed on the wearer’s head is another cost. You can refer to our related post, Hair System Cost Per Year to learn how much individuals will invest in wearing a toupee.

At New Times Hair, the average retail price for our toupees is $100 to $300. You can also fill out our wholesale application form to save when ordering in bulk.

How long does a hair toupee last?

When we ask how long a toupee lasts, we mean the toupee’s lifespan. Say you glue or tape a toupee on the wearer’s head, and after a month or so, the toupee starts to get loose and peel off. What is the wearer going to do next? He must visit the salon and get the stylist to remove it.

But that’s not the end of a toupee’s lifespan. What happens next is that the stylist will wash the toupee and reattach it to the wearer’s head. After another month or so, as the toupee gets dirty and starts to loosen up again, the wearer will revisit the salon, and the stylist will do the same.

Usually, a wearer of a quality human hair toupee has to return to the salon 3–4 times for reattachment until the toupee can’t be used anymore and has to be chucked, and that’s a toupee’s entire lifespan. The lifespan of a hair toupee mainly depends on the base material.

Base Material


Skin 0.03mm

Around 4 Weeks

Skin 0.06mm

2-3 Months

Skin 0.08mm

3-4 Months

Skin 0.1mm

3-6 Months

Swiss Lace

1-2 Months

French Lace

3-4 Months


6-12 Months

For more details about how long a hair toupee may last, refer to Expected Life of Different Hair Replacement Systems.

Can you tell if someone is wearing a toupee?

Cheap old-styled wigs one could quickly get at a dollar shop, but premium toupees for men like those by New Times Hair are made of premium human hair. They are crafted to blend seamlessly with the wearer’s natural hair, making them undetectable.

An essential factor that makes a toupee hard to detect is how well its base blends with the wearer’s scalp. The better the base joins the scalp, the more natural and authentic the hairlines and parts look.

What does wearing a toupee feel like?

Besides realism, today’s toupees for men are super soft and lightweight to wear, especially the lace hair systems. The netting base allows heat and moisture to escape easily, making the wearers can’t even feel they are wearing a hair toupee even on tropical days.

Can you shower with a toupee?

The answer is a solid yes. Today’s toupee adhesives and tapes create a robust hold to resist moisture. However, precautions must be taken when showering:

① Never shower too often with hot water, as the hot water may loosen up the hair bond, leading to base lifting.
② Avoid wetting the toupee hair piece within 24 hours of attachment.

Related: How to Live Your Everyday Life With a Hair System

What are the differences between toupees and wigs?

The critical distinction between a wig and a toupee lies in their coverage. Wigs cover the entire head, while toupees or hairpieces solely cover bald or thinning areas of the scalp.

With toupee-wearing, individuals usually select a hairstyle that blends seamlessly with their natural hair. In over 90% of toupee cases, they are attached using adhesive or tape beneath the base, adhering to the scalp.

On the other hand, wigs typically feature an elastic band or weft, allowing for quick and easy attachment. Many toupees also come equipped with anti-slip silicone strips on the underside of the base to ensure a secure fit.

Find out more about the difference between Toupee vs. Wig.

Toupee vs. hair transplants

Both toupees and hair transplants have their own pros and cons. A better understanding of them will help wearers make informed decisions as to which one to choose to tackle their hair loss issues.


Hair System

Hair Transplant

Cover the Baldness

No Side Effects or Scars

No Pain or Bleeding Involved

Immediate Results

You Can Control the Final Look

Permenant Solution

Work for Everyone

One Time Procedure

Toupee Pros:
Non-Surgical Solution: Hair toupees offer a painless and non-invasive option for dealing with hair loss as they have no harmful chemicals, causing zero harm to the scalp.
No Side Effects: Hair toupees use medical-grade adhesives that are less likely to irritate the skin and pose minimal risk of infection, ensuring a safe and side-effect-free experience.
Reversible: Unlike surgical hair replacements, toupees for men are not permanent, allowing the wearer to change their look anytime. Experiment with different cuts, colors, and styles to find your ideal appearance.
More Styling Options: Toupees provide the freedom to choose your desired hair density, color, and texture, offering a wide range of customization options for a natural and personalized look.
Immediate Results: With a toupee, you can enjoy instant transformation without waiting for your scalp to heal or hair to grow. The whole toupee hair piece is taped or glued to your scalp, allowing you to achieve a brand-new look overnight, saving you time and delivering immediate satisfaction.
Ultimate Solution: Toupee hair systems are the ultimate solution to all hair loss needs. Regardless of the reason for the hair loss, the person can use toupees for their harmlessness.
Toupee Cons:
Ongoing Investment: Toupees for men require periodic replacement as they wear out over time, with most men needing to replace them three or more times a year. If adhesives are used, regular reapplication is necessary every 20 to 30 days, adding to the ongoing investment for maintenance.
Mild Risk of Hair Glue Allergy: Very rarely, a small percentage of men do have hyper-sensitive skin, and will experience allergies to certain ingredients in hair glue. However, anti-allergy glue options are available to cater to men with this sensitivity, ensuring a safer and more comfortable experience.
Hair Transplant Pros:
Natural Look and Feel: Hair transplant surgery, when performed skillfully, can result in a natural look and feel. Since the transplanted hair comes from the patient’s scalp, they can treat it like natural hair, dye it, cut it, and style it according to their preferences.
Permanent Cure: Hair transplant surgery is often considered a permanent solution to hair loss, offering a long-term outcome.
Hair Transplant Cons:
Not for Everyone: Men with significant hair loss may not be suitable candidates as they may not have enough donor hair for transplant. Individuals with healing burns or scalds have damaged blood supply, making them unsuitable for hair transplant surgery.
Surgical Risks: Like any surgery, hair transplant surgery has risks of infection, bleeding, and scarring. Infections can lead to hair loss, although regrowth is possible over time.
No Instant Results: Immediately after the surgery, the scalp may appear bloody and unsightly. It takes at least six months or more for the hair replacement to look as desired.
Less Control Over Look: The final look cannot be ideally controlled, and patients must wait until the scalp heals to see the outcome. There is a risk that the hair may not grow back in an aesthetically pleasing way.
Hair May Go after a Few Years: Hair transplants are said to be permanent. However, no doctor worldwide can guarantee that the transplanted hair will remain planted permanently. For example, Take-That star Robbie Williams‘ hair, after a transplant, did fall again after 10 years. 
Expensive: Hair transplant surgery is expensive, which can be a significant barrier for many individuals. While cheaper options may be available, patients should be cautious of low-cost hair transplant surgeries.

For more details regarding the pros and cons, refer to our related post: Hair Transplant Vs. Hair Systems

What are the pros and cons of toupee?

Affordable: Toupees for men are the most budget-friendly option when combating hair loss. Typically, wearers spend less than $1,000 per year on them.
Customizable: Toupees for men provide effortless customization, catering to the wearer’s unique needs. Whether it’s length, density, color, or base design, all aspects can be easily tailored to match the wearer’s specific requirements precisely.
Non-invasive: Toupees offer a safe and non-invasive solution for individuals seeking to enhance their hair appearance. They are entirely harmless to the wearer’s natural hair and scalp. Unlike surgical procedures, toupee hair systems are painless and leave no unsightly scars.
Instant transformation: Toupees offer the wearer immediate volume and length, enabling them to achieve various hairstyles instantly, setting them apart from hair transplants or medications. You can receive instant client feedback as a seller or salon owner, making the experience even more rewarding.

Allergy: A few men may experience allergies to certain ingredients in hair glue or tape. Nevertheless, anti-allergy adhesives or tapes are readily available to cater to those with such sensitivities.
Continuing Investment: Once the toupee hairpiece is attached, the wearer should plan for regular touchups or hairpiece reinstallation every fortnight or month. Additionally, each toupee for men has a lifespan, and after several months of wear, it needs to be replaced with a new one.

How does a toupee stay on?

Most toupees for men are attached using adhesives and tapes.
Adhesives and glues are primarily applied to skin base materials, while tapes are used on lace/mono-base materials.
In rare instances, you may come across toupees for men attached using clips.

Do toupees fall off?

With appropriate security measures taken, the toupee will not fall off. Here are a few tips.

Clean the Scalp: Before attaching the toupee, ensure the wearer’s scalp is clean and oil-free. Clean it with alcohol and wash it cleanly.
Clean the Underside of the Base: Before going out of the factory, toupees usually go through a process called “grease conditioning.” So there’s a thin layer of oil. Wash the grease off thoroughly with alcohol.
Use the Right Adhesives: Selecting the appropriate hairpiece adhesives ensures a secure hold. Various climates, especially humid ones, may demand different types of bonds. If you need clarification on a suitable adhesive, seek guidance from your hairpiece manufacturer or stylist. They can provide valuable advice and recommendations.

If appropriately attached with security measures taken, the average period a toupee stays attached to the head ranges from 3-5 weeks before reattachment. However, toupees will eventually get loose as our scalp sweats under the base and products build up. When that happens, the wearer must return to the stylist for reattachment.

Related: Does a Toupee Fall Off?

Is glue on the toupee safe to use?

The short answer is yes. However, when discussing safety, we must look into all aspects of the term: safe. For example, the wearer may care mainly about the safety of his natural hair, scalp, and his overall health. We should consider some helpful tips and techniques to achieve these safety aspects.

Keeping the Wearer’s Natural Hair Intact: If the toupee is appropriately installed, removed, and maintained, and the correct bonding technique is applied, it will keep natural hair intact.
Wearer’s Scalp and Skin Health: Quality tapes and water-based adhesives are recommended to secure the wearer’s hair and scalp health.
Hair Products: While the toupee is attached, the right products will not cause irritation or reactions.
④  Breathability: Choose lace toupees for the best breathability and comfort.

Can women use toupees?

Yes, women can use toupees as men do. Women’s toupees usually come in longer lengths and a variety of colors. Click here to view a complete collection of women’s toupees.

Do you have toupees for sale?

Click this link to our clearance page to view all our toupee hair pieces at discounts. Or, check with our customer service staff for an update on our latest sale.

Toupee Install&Maintain&Style Tutorials

How to install a toupee for men

First, prepare these tools and gear: comb or hair brush, 99% alcohol wipe or spray, plastic wrap, shaver or any tool that shaves the head empty, scalp protector, scissors, white eyeliner, toupee tapes or glue, and measuring tape.

① Determine the area of the head the hair toupee will cover, shave, and clean the area.
② Cleanse the scalp with 99% alcohol, and ensure it is oil-free.
③ Cleanse the underside of the base with the same alcohol, ensuring it’s free of grease.
④ Cover the shaved area of the scalp just shaved with a large piece of plastic wrap and contour it out with eyeliner.
⑤ Cut the toupee base into the correct size and shape, following the mark you’ve made on the plastic wrap.
⑥ To glue the hairpiece on the scalp, apply a thin layer of toupee glue on the wearer’s scalp and wait until it’s almost dry. Stick it on, pressing it gently against the scalp, ensuring a solid bond.
⑦ To tape it on, stick double-sided toupee tape around the edge of the shaved area on the scalp or the edge of the base. Stick it on, pressing the edge against the scalp, ensuring a solid bond.

For a more detailed explanation of installing a toupee, follow our tutorial: A Brief Tutorial on How to Install Men’s Hairpieces.

How often should you maintain and reattach men’s toupee?

Sweat, product buildup, and the natural regrowth of our natural hair under the base cause the toupee to become less sticky and lift. So the wearer needs a touchup or reattachment once in a while. Generally speaking, most hair toupees should be maintained and reattached once every 3-4 weeks.

How to remove and reattach toupee

Hair system removal and scalp cleaning are essential skills for salon owners or hairstylists dealing with customers who use toupee hair systems.

① Spray adhesive remover on the base and gently peel it off the scalp, taking care not to damage the base.
② Soak the system in cool water to wet it thoroughly. Clean off the adhesive residue using your hands and C-22 adhesive solvent for stubborn edges.
③ Wash the system with shampoo and towel dry. Proper scalp cleaning involves using solvent and a brush to dissolve and remove adhesive residue, followed by a final cleaning with a fingernail brush.
④ Clean the scalp again with alcohol, making sure it’s oil-free. Do the same to the underside of the base.
⑤ Apply tape or glue to the scalp or the underside of the base, and reattach the hair system back to the scalp like how it was attached at the first place.

These steps ensure a clean scalp ready for reattachment, preserving the hairpiece’s condition for longer use.
Hair System Removal and Cleaning

How to detangle a matted toupee

① Use a comb to tick the hair out of the base and brush from tips to roots.
② Apply conditioner evenly to the toupee hair system and leave it on for 10 minutes.
③ Dissolve conditioner in warm water and soak the hairpiece with the net side up for 5-6 minutes.
④ Stroke the hair ends without moving the roots, then rinse thoroughly in another basin of water.
⑤ Apply conditioner again, comb the hair gently, and soak for 10 minutes with the net side up. Rinse off the conditioner while combing.
⑥ Wrap the hair in an absorbent towel, absorb moisture, and detangle.
⑦ Apply elastin cream to the hair ends and let it dry naturally.
⑧ Finally, comb, spray, and style the hair for the desired look.

With these steps, you can easily bring a matted hair toupee for men back to life and achieve a stunning appearance with your hairpiece. Read our blog on how to detangle a matted toupee with video instruction.

How to avoid hair color fade on human hair men’s toupee

Hair color fading can be avoided during daily use of human hair men’s toupee by considering these factors:
Excessive Sunlight Exposure: Constant exposure to sunlight or chlorine can break down dye molecules, causing color to fade. Remind clients to avoid excessive sunlight exposure while wearing hairpieces.
Incorrect Shampoo and Styling Products: Some products may dissolve dye, leading to faster color loss. Advise clients to use shampoos specifically for dyed hair and avoid alkaline products.
High Temperatures: Heat can damage dyes and fixatives in hairpieces. Recommend washing hair in cold or warm water and avoiding high-temperature blow-drying.
Dark Hair Fades More: Dark hair requires more dye during coloring, making it more susceptible to fading.
Remy Hair: Hair systems with Remy hair will hold color longer than normal human hair. Remy hair has intact cuticles arranged in the same direction. That’s how they hold color pigments.
For faded hair, offer solutions like visiting a salon for redyeing or using antioxidant shampoos. Also, guide clients in choosing accurate colors using color rings with durable and fade-resistant dye options.
By following these steps, clients can maintain their hair color and enjoy long-lasting results with their hair replacement systems. For more information, contact [email protected].
For more details, refer to: How to Avoid Hair Color Fading With Daily Use

Why does my toupee shed? What should I do?

Hair shedding on hair toupees mostly happens due to improper ways of maintaining the hair unit.
① Don’t pull the hair too harshly, especially for the toupee made of knotless methods like v-loop, or injection.
② Don’t apply the hair conditioner directly to the base. The silicon-based conditioner will make knots in the hair will become slippery and loosen up, ultimately causing the hair to shed entirely from the base.
③ Avoid brushing hair when wet. When wet, especially soaked, the pores in the base will be filled with water molecules and expand. You’ll pull it out easily if you brush or comb the hair.
④ Excessive hair processing hair like dyeing, perming, and heating can make the hair vulnerable and prone to break.

Men’s Toupee Wholesale

What’s your minimum order quantity for wholesale toupee?

At New Times Hair, you need to order at least three pcs to enjoy our low wholesale price.
Fill out our wholesale toupees application form to apply.

Are there any special discounts or benefits for wholesale buyers?

Yes, we offer volume discounts, special sample pricing, and promotional offers for our wholesale buyers. This ensures that you can provide top-quality toupees to your clients while optimizing your business’s profitability.

How to place a wholesale order

Placing a wholesale order is easy at New Times Hair. Simply fill in our wholesale application form, and our team will approve your application and send you a registered wholesale account. Then you can select the desired toupees, add them to your cart, and checkout with our wholesale prices,

Where can I get hair replacement training?

New Times Hair partnered with hair replacement specialists in the industry and launched non-surgical hair replacement training (click to learn more about this program). Contact us to get in touch with hair replacement specialists now!

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